Sunday, May 26, 2013

Do Artists Penetrate Into The Unknown?!

Welcome, Fellow Wanders

To The Realm Of The MYSTERY Warlords

There's enigmatic depths unacknowledged in the endless immensity of our consciousness. Consciousness is a phenomenon rarely properly conceptualized in our woefully foolish culture. It's time, in my sensible opinion, to cease the rectification of this phenomenon and say it comes to us, we channel it. We receive ideas from an unfathomable source of unfinished creation, thinking it merely conjures in our head. Since out-of-body-experiences have become recently known phenomenons, it should be lucidly cognizant to people today that we can manage to consciously think outside of our bodies and function somehow whenever this occurs. The current paradigms of our consequentially limiting knowledge about consciousness thwarts us to understand this, sadly.

"The artist is the antennae of the race" Ezra Pound

This statement can also be seen as a specific implication that our brains is an antennae, channeling the watery waves of consciousness, whether or not he intended it to express that definition, It can still be used analogically.  Artists, on the other hand, have their minds ripened and can access higher forms of consciousness. Somehow the unfinished universe acknowledges these artistically active minds, like advanced antennas, and bestows them interesting artistic ideas. They come to them. "Eureka", in other words. The artistic ideas just don't solely manifest in the mind, but are naturally channeled to them from a higher essence.

"Art is the Queen of all sciences communicating knowledge to all the generations of the world" Leonardo Da Vinci

Art can be used as a legitimate science to engage both of the hemispheres of our brain to understand higher noble, truths of life. The mysterious apparatus known as the imagination has the capacity to envision how general knowledge can be can understood through stories and artistic images. Leonard Shlain expresses in his lectures and books how the artists are the unknown visionary scientists who unwittingly capture the phenomenon of physic discoveries in their art long before the scientist does so. 

      "Art & Physics: Parallel Visions in Space, Time & Light" Lecture by Dr. Leonard Shlain

"Art can communicate before it's understood" T.S Eliot

In this article Christopher Knowles expresses the parallels between Comic artists and Shamans. Shamans are known as the visionaries in the culture who see the world in a refreshingly unique perspecitbe by delving into the uncharted spheres of  the consciousness phenomenon. Such immersive activities enables them to access the latent states of consciousness and come back with uncanny visions of what they perceptually captured. 


"There is nothing in the world except empty curved space. Matter, charge, electromagnetism, and other fields are only manifestations of the bending of space. Physics is geometry" John Archibald Wheeler 

When artists depict highly strange artistry such as this, are they penetrating into the unknown astral gates? Seeing the bending, swirling and twisting of space & matter before their widened perception. Since artists have the capacity to use both hemispheres of their brain, it must be a less of a challenge for them to open the gates of the unknown and capture it's manifested essence through paper.

Clairvoyants are known to see colorfully effulgent energies  in their evolved perception. People who indulge in mind-altering drugs see similar states of consciousness. The drugs trigger dormant faculties of the brain and allow the waters of consciousness to drop into the mind, allowing the periphery of your limited vision to widen.

I completely disagree with Aldous Huxley when he postulates that we would not have civilization if we possessed these states regularly. First of all, when we access these states through mind-altering drugs we have a immediate, sudden change in our consciousness that allows to experience these states, superficially. They are  a short cut to these immediate alter-states. So once it occurs we are hopelessly enchanted and awe-struck by the changed reality. Our minds are undisciplined when we it comes to altered states since  we're given no preparation for them . And this is why we can not  function properly under them.

But through rigorous meditations and mystical practices we can access these states with a disciplined mind ready to comfortably tolerate the peculiarities that comes with it. And needless to say, act functional with clairvoyant perceptions.

"There is a case for saying that the creation of new aesthetic forms has been the most fundamentally productive of all forms of human activity. Whoever creates new artistic conventions has found methods of interchange between people about matters which were incommunicable before. The capacity to do this has been the basis of the whole of human history" J. Z young

It's my firm understanding and belief that antique civilizations and cultures expressed the incommunicable through mythology and hieroglyphic imagery art, realizing these methods communicated to the brain wholistically. Myths and Art helps express the incommunicable in endless formations and ways, there's no official way how it should be expressed. Contrary to what you see in the mainstream's dogmatism of Science. They allow Mysteries of life to flow continuously in the river of creation. Unlike dogmatic science, where it wants to solve the unsolvable and stamp out the fascinating mysteries of Life... But anyway, these scientific  abstractions can be expressed in other ways of manifestations, such as art.

As Patrick Harpur says, in "The Philosophers' secret fire"

"The labyrinthine shape-changing of myths mirrors the pathways of soul which seems more interested in the movement of its idea than in the resolution of problems. Therefore no classical psychological problem can ever be solved... It is as if we recognize the contradictions of our human existence and are intensely preoccupied with them. We are self-transcending, paradoxical beings - both part of Nature, for example, and yet outside of it. We use abstractions to express our contradictions where traditional cultures use concrete images. The problems of mind/matter or consciousness/unconscious about which we philosophize are only re-statements of the problems of this world/otherworld or skyworld/underworld about which we mythologize. However in neither case can the problems be solved because they are not problems, but Mysteries. Myths tells us to live without resolution in state of creative tension with our two-foldness.

Myths do no, so to speak, get us anywhere. While there's myths about progress, myths do not themselves progress. Indeed., Levi strassus even saw literal scientific "progress" as, in reality, a system of myths which will never consist in anything other than proceeding towards re-groupings, in the midst of totality that is closed and complementary with itself. In fact,...mythological thought is not prescientific; it should be seen as rather an anticipation of the future state of science"

Myths inspire us to think imaginatively of the world, allowing us to access creative forms of knowledge and gnosis, to give our lives textures and resilience in our unique modes of expression.

"The purpose of art is to lay bare the questions which have been hidden by answers"

The questions can be more interesting than the answers...Ambiguities can be more interesting than clarities. And Mysteries can more interesting than facts. Since all of which inspire ever-lasting creativity. Destinations, facts, answers and so on can be a death to the creative process ( Not always, Though. Sometimes it's prerequisite to have facts and answers, but they should be always balanced with the Mysteries to keep the perpetuation of your personal curiosity going on your life, never allowing it to go away. When it does, that's when the life's adventures horribly end.

Lets put Myths aside, now, and lets consider this possibility. Does occult art anticipate high forms of physics and science? Well, of course it does. And applying Leonard Shlain's Art & Physics parallels, this can give us the considerate possibility to fill the abyss between Art & Science. So therefore our culture can become less left -hemispheric in the brain in order to equilibrate the mind into a totality.

Both science and art form in the course of the centuries a human language by which we can speak about the more remote parts of reality, and the coherent sets of concepts as well as the different styles of art are different words or groups of words in this language" Werner Hesineberg

Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Darkside Of Gnosticism

"A man is a very small thing, and the night is very large and full of Wonders" Lord Dunsany

We seldom look at the darkness in our World. But without the vast darkness in the Universe we would not have the shiny luminosity of the stars. Some times darkness doesn't have to be identified as evil, it can also be identified as the unknown, being veiled in darkness because people still have to explore it's Wonders.

"To me there was nothing grotesque in the bones and skeletons that strowed some of the stone crypts deep down among the foundations. I fantastically associated these things with every-day events, and thought them more natural than the colored pictures of living beings which I found in many mouldy books" H.P Lovecraft

There's fascinating mysteries in the decadence, the strangeness, and grotesqueness in our absurd world. Uncanny beauties come out of them, enthralling the populace of this planetary entity, earth. The roots of flower's are distorted and disfigured which are embedded in the dark soil. But they manage to produce gorgeousness when the plantation springs out of the dirt into the sun's illumination. However, prior to it's growth, the seed must be plunged and planted into the dark soil in order for it to grow. In it''s beginning stages it seems disfigured, but it grows into something else completely. 

So it's just a natural evolutionary process. 

In antique cultures such as The Mayan's and Greek's. The Seeress and Jaguar Priest used to spend extensive time in absolute darkness to increase their melatonin in order to develop their clairvoyant perceptions so they could possess the lucidity to penetrate through the Nighted Darkness. I see the darkness as a evolutionary mechanism to give this reality necessary dynamism, for creation purposes. It's deepens our forgetless mysteries in our reality, giving them more strangeness and wonder. But the Night Land of consciousness can be shuddersome at first, but it becomes fascinating once you get to know it. And see it's existential enrichment, for what it really is. 

"The black intelligence is the divination of the Mysteries of Night, the attribution of reality to the forms of the invisible. It is the belief in vague possibility, light in dream...let us respect the Mysteries of The shadow but keep our lamps burning" Eliphaz Levi 

The shadows remain unseen and elusive, because we never take the time to venture into The Night Land of consciousness. So all equilibration with it becomes lost. Then we see the horrors of The Night Land run wild on this god-forsaken plane of Existence. Trying to get our attention so we can see the Stars of potentialities. Then, due to our lack of vigilance,  the lunacy of the luscious moon influences our natures to become lycanthropic and then we become susceptible to the cult of shadows that prowl the Night. Becoming slaves to their vulgar demands.

"Thirteen gather on a moonless night
The morning star is burning bright


Followers, they sing and dance
The pipes of pan have weaved a trance 
Dressed back
no turning back

Doom mantia"

"No Turning back



"No Turning Back     DOOM-MANITA"

"The fundamental meaning of Death in Key 13 is that the manifestor of the universe. The sun is the center and 12 signs of the zodiac surround it, making 13 signs in all. The king has fallen, reminding us kings must inevitably fall.  There is perpetual transformation, one aspect of which is death-birth. Death is the protest against stagnation - it is by death social changes for the better come to pass and old ideas give away. With the new generation, new ideas gain currency as youth comes into maturity.

The 13th card is a suggestion to change old concepts for new, to change rigid intellectual patterns. Petty prejudices, ambitious, and opinions gradually die. The change from the personal to the universal view is so radical that mystics often compare it to DEATH. But death is the twin brother of life. Creation necessitates it's opposite - destruction. As spirits descends into matter, so it must return to it's source. Death is half of the universal transforming principle. But spirit is immortal; Thus humanity can never die, for the destroyer has become the creator" Eden gray 

Destruction and death is natural so freshly new forms of creations come into being, into this dualistic reality. 

 Kronos is currently taking us through a Rites Of Passage of  Death & Rebirth . So we either put the old, disservicing paradigms to death. Or we cling on Saturn's rings, like golem in Lords Of The Rings.   

It's time to put these absurd paradigms to Death and grow new, beneficial ones out of their ugliness. 

But before we do that. We must go to Night Land in order to go to The Sabbat in search for new knowledge, for our new Paradigms.

"Help me in my search for knowledge,
I must learn the Secret Art.
Who dares to help me raise the on
Whose very name near stills my heart?
Discard your clothes and come on foot,
Through streams and fields and moonlit moors,
Your bodies soaked in secret oils,
Perfumed herbs will heal your sores.
Join me in my search for power.

Wives and husbands bring your kin.
We´ll be as one within the hour.
Let the Sabbat now begin.
Come, come, come to the Sabbat.
Come to the Sabbat - Satan´s there!"

        Hail Satan, The Lord Of Darkness,

                 Bringer Of Knowledge

Friday, May 17, 2013

(Weirdosophy) The Weird Are Essential For Humanity's Evolution...

"You see man as a rather dismal creature." "Yes. Why not? Look'll see what's there. Fear, and frightened people who kill what they can't understand."

People in this world have a sickening, tasteless contentment for the corporate, political banalities of this culturally desolate world. When there's a void of weirdness, that means no one is deviating from the norm to make progress. Weirdness is about the unexpected, the unusual that makes us think differently. When there's none of that, we die as a species. So this is why The Weird are essential for humanity's evolution. As frank zappa said

Ironically enough, we find enjoyment from such artistic eccentrics as Lovecraft and salivador dali. But as a society we try to collectivise and condition everyone to think the same as well as discourage anyone who wants to deviate from the norm so they don't feel any ridicule, or alienation from society at large. But if we never had the people who had the audacity to think outside of the box, this world would be perfectly devoid of cultural, artistic masterpieces. So there's a nobility in weirdness, it gives people the inspiration to think outside of the box and come up with unique, artistic creations for the betterment for our species and culture.

Well, what the typical rationalists call "rational thought"

" I know it's the high and the strange who kicked the heads in of the lame and the same and then pushed this gods-forsaken race forward." Christopher Knowles 

Indeed! If that never happened, we wouldn't have are music, movies, art, architecture and so forth. We would be a species of pathetic pussies, laughing at the ones who try to do something different to make our world a more interesting and exciting place to inhabit. Without weirdness, there's no genius. And this is an age to embrace "Weirdosophy" 

There's no official how to do manifest creations, this world  needs it's crucial oddities. Without them we become repetitive and dull.  Woefully disenchanted by our reality. Oddities give us awe and wonder.  So embrace them, to the highest extreme.  Because normalities can become lethal without them.

Well, in this age of disenchantment, that embraces the most wretched superstition of all "Materialism". It's important not to disregard our eccentric geniuses and miraculous oddities. It's time for the enchanted wonders to flow into people's minds already. And say to fuckin' hades with the dogmatic convectionalities. 

So take a trip to the other side, if you will. 


 But  his threatening mirth falters in the presence of the weird. Since the weird knows how to valorously triumph over the archonic control, through the powers of the creative imagination. Since archonism (or tyranny you could say) solely devoids that visionary faculty......

"You unlock this door with the key of imagination.  Beyond it is another dimension - a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind.  You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas.  You've just crossed over into the twilight zone."

"Gnostics taught that the core of the human potential is our faculty of the imagination"  John Lash, NOT IN HIS IMAGE

"The thing that scares me is Banality. The sheer banality of the actual culture we live in. My sense of what scary is related to the things I see around me. And what I see around me are people who seem to want to suppress the imagination" Clive Barker 

"People don't want to live through tragedy know that art gives them the ability to live through it imaginatively" Ramsey campbell

"The reason we have poverty is that we have no imagination. There are great many people out  there accumulating what they think is vast wealth, but it's only money....they don't know how to enjoy it, because they have no IMAGINATION" Alan Watts 

Due to our ignorance and vast stupidity we have marginalized and forbidden our sacred faculty of  the imagination in our world. We totally subdue it's potentiality, for lesser awards. Rather than manifest powerful visions to reshape this woefully stupid world , we allow the banal visions of the psychic tyrants have victorious triumph over this faculty.  Our lives are mediocre because we don't utilize this faculty. And this is why this world teems with  sheer, corporate depravity........

And Now


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Is Skrying Possible?!

The brain is not an "evolved" organ which, somehow, accidentally over the aeons generated a faculty we call "Consciousness". Rather, it was developed in order to receive and apprehend those aspects of universal consciousness necessary for man to perform his foreordained task - just as radio - just as the radio does not generate waves but receives the waves already there. John Antony West, Serpent In The Sky

As lucidly expressed by John Antony West. The nature of consciousness does not generate in our organic brains. The brain is a receptor for consciousness, not the other way around. However, we are only using an insignificant amount of this receptor, which may have dormant capacities completely undreamed of to us.  Perhaps if parts of those dormant faculties of the brain were used, would we be able to channel higher forms of consciousness and instigate those dormant faculties? Perhaps. As said before, we're only using an insignificant fraction of our brains and rarely question its magnitude. Why not? It's such a provocative topic. Perhaps it's time to open the doors of perception!

We hear about skyring , in folklore and mythologies, dismissing them as irrational fancies conjured up by illiterate morons who know nothing about the nature of reality. Maybe the truth is the complete contrary. Maybe these tales are closer to the potentialities of the mind than we presume?!

As now, in this technological age some physicists describe our brains as a projector and reality as the projection.

"Our brain mathematically construct objective reality by interpreting frequencies that are ultimately from another dimension, a deeper order of existence that is beyond both space and time:
The brain is a hologram enfolded in a holographic universe!"

"Out there", there are only waves and frequencies, which our brain convert for us into images, which make up our world. Our brain is responsible that we see things as we do! 
Pribram asserted that our brain is able to construct objects and David Bohm even concluded that "we construct space and time"."

In the popular occult legend of Edward Kelley and John Dee. Edward Kelley is an enigmatic individual who got his ear accidentally cut off which enabled him to develop clairvoyance. This probably allowed his brain to activate it's latent faculties and give it the capacity to channel higher frequencies of consciousness. This perhaps explains why he had the ability to summon the spirits on the crystal ball. Because his brain had opened up enough in order to make it possible for him to channel these higher realms of existence so could project them on the crystal ball, like a projector. In metaphorical terms, he upgraded his receptor and got an advanced statelite for it. So he could be plugged into the higher channels of existence, as it were. 

As quoted above

"Out there", there are only waves and frequencies, which our brain convert for us into images, which make up our world. Our brain is responsible that we see things as we do! 

Pribram asserted that our brain is able to construct objects and David Bohm even concluded that "we construct space and time"."

The abyss of perception awaits us! 

As within 

So without 

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Poisonous Misconceptions About Humanity

There's a lot of people in our world who abide to these misconceptions for self-aggrandizement purposes, thinking they can give justification to their immorality and vice by doing so. Such misconceptions only lead to dead ends, and nothing more. So it's about time we deconstruct them, for the better. If we want a future that is prosperously livable and just, that is. Of course such an issue needs a deeper, meticulous analysis to come up with more highly proper conclusions. But this is all I can come up with thus far. This is not an attempt to justify humanity's immoral actions, but an attempt to separate its condition from its nature. These misconception don't serve us, and need to be fully deconstructed.

Is humanity inherently corrupt?!

No, humanity is not inherently corrupt. This is generally a condition, not their nature. This is precisely caused by our culture, since it lacks the encouragement to exercise  conscience and morality. A human being can be conscientious since it's inherently born with a conscience, it just needs to be incessantly reminded that it needs to do so so our world can sustain equilibrium.

Is humanity a plague on the earth?!

The industrial revolution  has roughly been around for the last 200 years. Before this humanity has made architectural masterpieces such as cathedrals, palaces, temples and pyramids that has enriched our world. People have the tendency to forget this, and allow their misconceptions to dominate them. Humanity has the inherent potentiality to create such artistic masterpieces again, the potentiality just needs to be encouraged. This industrial atrocity can be transformed into excellence, with the right mind set.

Do we need slavery in order to have civilization?!

Nothing is more ludicrous than this statement. We need inspiration to have civilization, not slavery. Some of the most profound artistic achievements has come out of inspiration alone, not by being enslaved in order to make those artistic achievements. This implies that humanity can never be inspired to make anything without enslavement. And such an idea about humanity is dangerous. In truthful honesty such people lack the imagination of what humanity is possibly capable. And don't see civilization as a form of ART.

What is wrong with humanity?!

They are psychologically sick caused by disempowering ideologies. They lack the intuitive intelligence to cite out what is wrong and right. As Gabor Bate said " If more people were in touch with their gut feelings they would not elect the people we have in power today." Such a statement can be invariably applied to a lot of our predicaments. Since we lack emotional intelligence, we are susceptible to ideologies that don't serve us. Disregarding our conscience, so we can obey the abhorrent demands of our tyrants and not feel alienated from our peers.

This is perhaps why our world is in such turmoil and strife. Because we lack critical emotional intelligence and go with unconscientious orders that don't serve us. We're not taught this. So we end up electing the most dangerous people in power and subsequently doing their orders. We have mistaken our nature for their nature. We are conditioned to become sociopathic, just like our tyrants.

Perhaps it's about time we take notice to such statements as these!

This is perhaps around when the great deluge happened. We may all be collectively traumatized by these ancestral wounds.

We reproduce catastrophe because we ourselves are traumatized – both as a species and individually, beginning at birth. Because we are wounded, we have put up psychic defenses against reality and have become so cut off from direct participation in the multidimensional wilderness in which we are embedded that all we can do is to navigate our way cautiously through a humanly designed day-to-day substitute world of symbols - a world of dollars, minutes, numbers, images and words that are constantly being manipulated to wring the most possible profit from every conceivable circumstance. The body and spirit both rebel - David Watson (The Pathology of Civilization)

Since we may have been traumatized in  pre-historical times. This is perhaps the reason why we've traumatized others throughout written history, completely unaware of our ancestral traumatization. So we keep on perpetuating it upon others, making a vicious cycle throughout the World. But the only way to stop it is to develop an awareness of it's origin in order to come to psychic salvation. So we can move on forward... Since people have the unnerving tendencies to unconsciously perpetuate their traumas on others until they become existentially aware as to why and how they've become traumatizer themselves..